5 interesting facts about The Wunda Chair

5 Interesting Facts about the Wunda Chair that will make you love this equipment 


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1. The Wunda Chair was designed to be practical equipment for maintaining a personal Pilates practice while also being compact enough to convert into an armchair that could fit into a small New York apartment.​

2. It offers a multidirectional workout that provides comprehensive training to the body. Its design enables exercises in various planes of movement, providing a well-rounded workout. For more advanced students who enjoy a challenge, the Wunda Chair can take their pushups, triceps dips, and squats exercises to a new level.​

3. The equipment can also be a valuable tool for rehabilitation purposes. Its design and functionality make it suitable for recovering from injuries or regaining strength and mobility.​




The challenging nature of this Chair makes it an excellent tool for developing strength, stability, and coordination. It requires students to refine their technique, engages their deep stabilizing muscles, and cultivate a mindful approach to movement.​





4.The Chair’s spring resistance in our Center Line equipment offers a unique advantage. It provides a wider range of adjustability, allowing students with different body structures to customize the resistance according to their needs. This flexibility makes it versatile for individuals with varying body types and abilities.​

5. Despite being your studio’s smallest piece of equipment, the Wunda Chair has earned a reputation among our students as the most challenging. The limited surface area of the Chair demands precise and controlled movements, promoting a heightened sense of body awareness and engagement. Students must focus on activating their core muscles, maintaining proper alignment, and utilizing their entire body to execute exercises effectively.​

The challenging nature of this Chair makes it an excellent tool for developing strength, stability, and coordination. It requires students to refine their technique, engages their deep stabilizing muscles, and cultivate a mindful approach to movement.​

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